Stun Gun VS Firearm

 Street smarts for the Common People -- Why have a stun Gun? I was sitting out on my deck the other evening with a friend. Joe is a retired cop from Indiana and I am a retired cop from Florida. I was telling Joe about the stun guns that I sell. Joe and I both have concealed firearm permits. Joe remarked that he didn't need a stun gun because of his permit to carry a firearm. I asked Joe, " where is your gun right now"? Joe looked at me kind of funny and said, "oh it's in the glove box". I remarked, it's not going to do you any good there"! Joe was wearing the popular "cargo shorts" and a t-shirt. He could have put a small gun in the big baggy pockets of the cargo pants, but, he didn't. He went on to remark that everybody here can get a concealed firearm permit so easy, why would someone want a stun gun? Joe was a perfect example. He had the permit but still was not packing a gun. In a confrontation with a criminal, how is Joe ever going to get to his gun? The confrontation with a purse snatcher, mugger or crazed maniac, its probably going to take place out on the sidewalk or parking lot. Every single case which I ever worked as a cop, whether the perpetrator was armed or unarmed, it took place in the parking lot when the victim was on their way back to their car. Even if it did happen in or near your car, is the perp going to wait while you open the glove box, remove all the junk that got piled on top of the gun, giving you time to get the gun and use it? I don't think so! OK so now you decide to carry the gun. Where do you put it? As a cop for 25 years, I found that carrying a gun off duty while in street clothes was just NOT practical. Especially in warm weather, where can you carry a gun? Your not wearing a coat, so a shoulder holster or belt holster doesn't work. If you wear your shirt tail out, that may help some. Baggy cargo pants do offer an excellent place to conceal a gun. I guarantee you that you will be constantly worried that some one will notice the bulge and get sacred. I wore an ankle holster in addition to my uniform duty rig. It was a fantastic way to carry a backup weapon. Off duty, I found it was not as workable. The Department uniforms included the classic "straight leg" uniform pants. The department issued glossy black shoes which were only worn by day shift or special occasions. Most cops like to wear the high top Rocky 911 lace up boots. The high top boots keep the ankle holster up just above the ankle and its occupant, a snub nose 38, ready on standby. But getting to it was another matter all together! The technique is to either: drop to the opposite knee from where the gun is, pulling up on your pant leg with your free hand while reaching for and drawing the gun with the other hand. OR: dropping onto your butt, and then as above, pulling the pant leg up with the free hand and drawing with the other. This works fine if the pants are loose enough around the cuff. This rules out most blue jeans. I have not seen Bell Bottoms since the 60s! OK, how about colder weather? Now your wearing all kind of clothing with tons of places to carry a gun. Guess what, a gun can still be very difficult to get to! If its cold and the coat is buttoned up or zipped, you will really have to dig for it. How are you going to do this while some crazed rapist has his arm around your neck! You think he is going to pause and let you get at your weapon? If you carry a gun out on your belt and readily accessible it will sure scare any would be attacker off before he get a chance to work his evil deeds. BUT, it will also scare everybody else too! You just don't need the people in the mall calling 911 about a man with a gun! OK, if you have a concealed firearm permit, keep it and keep the gun too, BUT, consider the non-lethal stun gun. Especially the Stun Guns that look like a cell phone! A cell phone is carried around by 90% of the people out there! No one ever called the cops because a crazed man with a cell phone was walking in the mall! This "Cell Phone" stun gun will put a man down, and leave him drooling like a baby. You can carry this "weapon" without alarming anyone. You would carry the "cell phone" in your hand with the lanyard cord around your wrist. The lanyard cord is a safety device. If a perpetrator was to take it away from you, the cord would be pulled and the stun gun is now DEACTIVATED! As your walking to your car, a perpetrator comes up behind you and crabs you. You jamb the innocent looking "stun gun" up against his body, anywhere; ZZZAPPP he goes down in a heap, his muscles contracting, leaving him helpless, while giving you time to escape! (OK I know it's temping, don't zap him again, just get the heck out of there!) A gun? Chances are it would be difficult to get to, or worse the perpetrator ends up taking it away from you. One of the biggest fears for police officers is having their gun taken away. It happens. Statistics have shown that many police officers loose their gun during a struggle, the bad guy ends up with it and its a deadly ending, for the cop. As a cop I almost lost my gun to a bad guy. During a violent domestic investigation the perpetrator lunged for my gun as I was taking him into custody. My high security holster kept the gun secure long enough for me get the mans hand off the gun, but I ended up on light duty for 3 months while healing from a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder. The bad guy had to be taken to the hospital for treatment before being booked into the jail. Then I ended up back at the ER for X-rays and scans to find out why my right shoulder was frozen. I guarantee you that if your gun is already out and you don't use it, the crazed perpetrator will try to get it from you. It happens with cops more often than most people hear about. 



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